NEC-Übersicht 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Radostina Primova

Dr. Radostina Primova is the Director of the Climate and Sustainable Development Programme at the EU office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Brussels. She is heading the project activities on climate action and energy polices with HBS international offices and partners worldwide, as well as providing political advice for European and international delegations on topics related to international climate cooperation, SDGs, energy transition, environmental justice and climate migration for European and international delegations. Prior to this, Ms. Primova has gained professional experience as a consultant and researcher in a number of other institutions, such as Hinicio, the Institute for European Studies (IES) in Brussels, the Department for Federal and European Affairs in the Bremen Senate; Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Berlin), and the Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies (CEuS) in Bremen.

Speech: "Nuclear power yes please?! Questions on current EU energy and research policy at the 60th anniversary of the EURATOM contract"

Patricia Lorenz

In 1993 Patricia Lorenz started to work with the Austrian Environmental Organization GLOBAL 2000. She focused on the nuclear power plants surrounding Austria. In 2000 she started the Abolish EURATOM campaign with Friends of the Earth Brussels. Patricia Lorenz has gained expertise on many nuclear issues: nuclear liability, nuclear safety and she participated in numerous EIA/ESPOO processes.

Speech: EURATOM myth - security of nuclear power is regulated?

Andreas Molin

After studying technical physics, his professional career led him from the Technical University of Graz via the Federal Ministry of Science and Research to the Austrian Federal Chancellery, where Andreas Molin built the "Nuclear Coordination", which was newly founded in 1991, and also dealt with international environmental policy. Since 1992, Molin has been responsible for the "Nuclear Coordination" in a leading role; until April 2000 at the Federal Chancellery, since then at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. This includes the representation of Austria in numerous relevant bilateral, European and international bodies and procedures, including the board of stress tests for European nuclear power plants. In June 2015, Andreas Molin served as President of the 3rd ENSREG Conference.

Speech: Reforming EURATOM - Utopia or Vision?

Heinz Stockinger

For over 30 years the "motor" of the PLAGE has been active fighting the nuclear madness. He was a founding member of the PLAGE, which was then known as the platform against the WAA Wackersdorf and spearheaded the Austrian resistance against the planned Bavarian reprocessing plant. Since that time, he has launched many projects - e.g. The awareness campaigns on the EURATOM Treaty with a comprehensive brochure on the likely consequences of Austria's EURATOM accession, the coalition of nuclear-free countries (KOALA) and the campaign on EURATOM exit or revision. Heinz Stockinger worked as a university lecturer for French language and culture at the University of Salzburg.

Speech: EURATOM campaigns in Austria - A history of more than 25 years

Sylvia Kotting-Uhl

Since 2005 Member of the Bundestag and, since 2009, nuclear-political speaker of the faction of Bündnis 90/The Greens (Germany); Chair of the German-Japanese Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag; Member of the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety; Deputy member of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment; Until July 2016 Member of the Commission for Storage of highly radioactive waste.

Speech: Why Germany should leave EURATOM

Dörte Fouquet

Dr. Dörte Fouquet specializes in European law and international legal relations, focusing on competition, infrastructure, energy and environmental law, and advises in particular companies, financial institutions, associations and governmental authorities in Germany and other Member States, EU institutions and in the international context. Fouquet is a member of Green Budget Europe (GBE - FÖS), Eurosolar, the European Association for Renewable Energies, the Federal Association WindEnergie eV (BWE), the German Women Lawyers Association (djb), the Executive Committee Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF) in Tokyo.

Speech: Presentation of the legal possibilities of a unilateral exit from EURATOM

Hans-Josef Fell

Hans-Josef Fell is a German politician (Bündnis90/The Greens) and former member of the German Bundestag (1998 - 2013). He studied physics and sports science at the University of Würzburg and taught at the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium in Schweinfurt. From 2005 to 2011 he was vice-president of EUROSOLAR. Fell is the initiator of the Energy Watch Group, whose President he has been since March 2014. Fell's special political commitment is the complete conversion of conventional power generation to renewable energies. He is the "father" of the German Renewable Energy Act, alongside SPD deputy Hermann Scheer. Amongst other projects, Hans-Josef Fell is member of Bavarian Solar Initiatives as well as curator at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Freiburg.

Speech: EURATOM exit: necessary and possible - Brexit opens up new opportunities